Restore a Sense of Self

As we know, childbirth and aging can significantly change our bodies. These can alter the appearance of the outer vaginal area and loosen vaginal tissue, leading to reduced sexual response. ThermiVA is a non-surgical treatment that can help restore the vaginal wall and improve sexual function. Using radio frequency technology, ThermiVA delivers heat through the skin to stimulate collagen growth and promote tissue contraction. This results in increased firmness and flexibility of the labia and vaginal tissues without the need for invasive surgery. In addition to improving sexual function and reducing discomfort, ThermiVa can also help to promote overall health by improving bladder control, relieving vaginal dryness, and enhancing the body's natural healing abilities.

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Is ThermiVA Right for Me?

ThermiVA may be a beneficial treatment option if you're concerned about changes in the appearance of your vulvovaginal area. This non-invasive procedure can help reduce several issues associated with tissue fatigue, leading to remarkable improvements, such as:

  • Firm and tighten stretched or sagging labia
  • Increase tightness of vaginal tissue
  • Reduce urinary stress or incontinence
  • Restore natural vaginal lubrication
  • Reduce unpleasant sensations or pain experienced in intercourse
  • Resolve discomfort associated with excess hanging tissue
  • Improve the outer vaginal appearance
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How It Works

If ThermiVA is determined to be the proper treatment for you, the procedure will take place in a comfortable and private room. There's no need to prepare beforehand, and you won't require any anesthetics as the treatment is pain-free. As the wand passes over the area and radio frequency energy heats the deeper tissues, you may feel a warm sensation. The procedure is non-invasive, and you can return to your daily routine immediately after treatment.

Experience the Difference

Whether you're experiencing changes due to childbirth, menopause, or aging, ThermiVa in Princeton can help you feel more comfortable and confident. Our experienced medical professionals will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and goals. With personalized care and exceptional results, you can trust PrincetonMD to help you achieve optimal vaginal health and wellness. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference of innovative treatments and personalized care.

Recovery and Results

As always, every patient is unique, and results may vary. Some patients may notice initial improvements within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure, while others may see positive results within one or two weeks. It's important to note that it may take several weeks to achieve optimal results, as the body produces new collagen, resulting in a firming and tightening effect. The results of ThermiVA treatment are cumulative, meaning they build over time. After treatment, the body requires time to produce collagen naturally. Most patients experience maximum improvements between six months to one year after treatment. To maintain results, we recommend follow-up sessions every 12 to 18 months.

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Begin Your Journey With a Consultation

Considering ThermiVA in Princeton? Schedule a consultation at our Princeton office with Dr. Hamawy, a board-certified plastic surgeon known for personalized care. During the consultation, he will listen to your needs, explain the ThermiVA process, and assess your suitability for the treatment. Dr. Hamawy will conduct a thorough health evaluation, review your medical history, and discuss your goals to create a customized treatment plan focused on improving sexual function, reducing discomfort, and enhancing overall health.

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