A Simple Treatment With Exciting Results

At PrincetonMD, we understand the importance of renewal which is why we’re pleased to offer chemical peel treatments to rejuvenate your skin. These treatments involve the application of a topical acid that helps to restore and renew the surface of your skin by shedding a few layers and exposing younger layers beneath. The result is skin that looks younger, more vibrant, and tighter. Chemical peels are effective treatments for addressing rough skin, age spots, sun-damaged skin, uneven pigmentation, and acne scars. While there are certain chemical peels explicitly designed for the face, others can be performed on other areas of the body, such as the chest, neck, arms, hands, and legs. We offer light, medium, and deep chemical peels that penetrate at different levels to cater to the unique needs and desired results of each customer.

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Are Chemical Peels Right for Me?

No matter what the procedure, it’s natural to have questions. Typically, clients who elect to have chemical peels are those who:

  • Want to enhance the overall appearance of their skin
  • Have wrinkles or other signs of aging
  • Have acne scars or different types of scars
  • Have hyperpigmentation or sun damage
  • Have uneven skin texture or tone
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Start With A Consultation

To determine if a chemical peel treatment is the right choice for you, we recommend scheduling a one-on-one consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hamawy at our Princeton, NJ office. During your consultation, Dr. Hamawy will discuss your concerns and desired results to understand your expectations better. He will analyze your skin and may recommend additional noninvasive treatments, such as fillers or chemicals, to achieve the desired outcome. Photographs will be taken to track progress and for your medical record. If you are deemed a good candidate for a chemical peel treatment, you will have the opportunity to schedule an appointment for your treatment. Dr. Hamawy will work with you to create a customized treatment plan based on your unique anatomical features. This is also a great time to discuss pricing and ensure you find a plan that suits your needs.

How the Procedure Works

At PrincetonMD, our chemical peels are administered by medical professionals. The treatment involves the topical application of a chemical solution to the skin, with varying levels of intensity and comfort depending on the strength of the peel. Even the most intense chemical peels only cause a mild warm or tingling sensation in the skin. The solution will be left on the skin for a predetermined amount of time, based on the strength of the peel and your treatment goals. Once the time has passed, the chemical peel will be removed, and your skin will be cleansed. Typically, a chemical peel treatment lasts less than one hour.

Recovery and Results

The recovery period after a chemical peel treatment varies depending on the strength of the peel. Deeper peels provide more intense results but also require a longer recovery time. It is common for patients to experience flaking or peeling skin for a week or two after the treatment, which is essential for the healing process. During this time, the skin may be red or sensitive, so it is necessary to avoid excessive sun exposure and other irritants that may damage the skin. As the skin heals, the results of the chemical peel treatment become visible in the weeks following the treatment. Removing the outermost layer of skin reveals beautiful, soft, and radiant skin underneath. Multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results for specific cosmetic concerns, and many patients choose to receive regular treatments to maintain their results for as long as possible.

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Why Choose Us?

At PrincetonMD, we're dedicated to helping you achieve healthy and beautiful skin. We offer chemical peels as a safe and effective way to fight the external signs of aging and rejuvenate your skin, leaving you looking younger, fit, and healthy. With minimal downtime, you can enjoy the benefits of a chemical peel without disrupting your busy schedule. We take pride in being a leading provider in the Princeton area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of a chemical peel treatment at PrincetonMD.

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