A Legacy of Service

For many practitioners, their path to the field of plastic surgery is a relatively straightforward one. However, Dr. Hamawy's passion for helping others was forged not through his accomplished academic career, but rather as a trauma surgeon in the Army. There, he had the opportunity to treat various patients during his tour of duty in Iraq and for several years at the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington.

A Philosophy of Care

Dr. Hamawy got to witness firsthand how vital his skills could be. It was here that he realized people’s outward appearances were deeply connected to their sense of self and overall wellness. He realized then that health is a much broader concept than he had once considered. 

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A Skill Set Beyond the Usual

In addition to shaping his philosophy of care, it allowed him to hone his skills. As he puts it: “Few surgeons are fortunate enough to have been exposed to this depth, breadth, and sheer complexity of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. I attribute my highly developed surgical skills to my Army experience.” These moments of intensity and connection and the intense training he received are the cornerstone of the PrincetonMD practice.

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Compassion and Expertise

As a surgeon, Dr. Hamawy's philosophy has always been clear: connect with the individual on a human level first. From there, he can use his technical expertise to its greatest impact—translating subtle nuances into a more positive self-image. But this philosophy carries over to all the procedures he presides over—no matter if they are surgical or designed for a patient looking for ways to enhance their overall health and wellness. Dr. Hamawy sees his role as a combination of technician, artist, and teacher. He understands that patients have many options today and that patient education is crucial to making informed decisions. In turn, practitioners must do their due diligence to stay abreast of all the different ways to offer care in these exciting times.

An Advanced Approach to Wellness

Dr. Hamawy believes in enhancing his patients' natural beauty and wellness and sees each case as an opportunity for healing. He understands the importance of a productive consultation in selecting the right provider. During your consultation, he’ll take the time to understand your desired outcome and carefully explain all the options and associated effects to avoid misunderstandings or surprises. Dr. Hamawy emphasizes the importance of working together as a team to achieve good results.

Patients who choose Dr. Hamawy will benefit from his technical expertise, attentiveness, and sincerity. He uses the most modern, cutting-edge non-surgical methods available to help patients looking for a fresh appearance, or who are struggling with imbalanced hormones, unwanted weight, sexual concerns, and more. He understands the powerful impact that improving someone's appearance and lifestyle habits can have on overall self-worth, confidence, and quality of life.

Education and Training

As a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures and certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Hamaway received his training from UT Southwestern Medical and Weill Cornell School, two of the most well-respected institutions for plastic surgery. And make no mistake, he will always be proud of his academic and professional achievements. But as our clients soon discover, his true passion is connecting with others and finding how he can help them achieve the overall health they’ve always desired. When you visit PrincetonMD to address your wellness goals, you can be sure you are in trusted hands.

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A Record of Accomplishment 

While few would know it from his humble, genial, and warm presence, Dr. Hamaway is also a highly lauded trailblazer. He is affiliated with the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States and several other prestigious organizations. He has also delivered progressively-minded presentations to others in his field on subjects such as CO2 Laser Resurfacing, migraine surgery, plastic surgery in the military, and many others. 

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