A Simple Process, Exciting Results

At PrincetonMD, we offer a state-of-the-art hair restoration treatment that is different from traditional hair plugs. Our PRP hair restoration treatment is the most advanced and least invasive hair restoration treatment available. This treatment uses the body's material to stimulate natural hair regrowth, resulting in natural-looking and long-lasting results.

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The Science Behind PRP

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, a vital component of our blood. The plasma portion of our blood contains regenerative cells, platelets, and essential proteins and growth factors that aid in rejuvenation and regenerative purposes. When PRP is separated from the rest of the blood's components, its potency increases significantly. A blood sample is placed in a centrifuge to isolate PRP from the mixture of other cells and fluids. The centrifuge spins the blood sample at a high velocity, separating the particulates and leaving platelet-rich plasma isolated for easy extraction. PRP is used in various cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, with hair restoration being one of the most common applications.

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What Causes Hair Loss? Hair loss can stem from a variety of causes, including:

  • Heredity: Genetics can play a significant role in hair loss, with male and female pattern baldness being the most common hereditary causes.
  • Androgenetic alopecia: This is a common form of hair loss due to genetics and hormones.
  • Dihydrotestosterone: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone that can cause hair follicles to shrink, leading to hair loss.
  • Anemia: Anemia is a condition that occurs when the body doesn't have enough red blood cells, which can lead to hair loss.
  • Stress can cause hair loss by disrupting the normal hair growth cycle.
  • Changes in hormone levels: Changes in hormone levels, such as during menopause, can cause hair loss.
  • Medication: Some medications, such as chemotherapy, can cause hair loss.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause temporary hair loss.
  • Tight hairstyles: Wearing fast hairstyles, such as braids or ponytails, can cause hair loss due to the tension on the hair follicles.

Is PRP Hair Restoration Right for Me?

At PrincetonMD, we offer PRP hair restoration as a non-surgical solution for men and women experiencing hair thinning or loss. The best candidates for PRP hair restoration are individuals in the early stages of hair loss, as their hair follicles are still somewhat active. However, patients with inactive follicles can also be candidates, though they may require more treatments to stimulate activity.

It is essential for patients to be healthy and have realistic expectations of what the procedure can achieve. Individuals with low platelet counts or clotting conditions may not be suitable for the treatment, and other contraindications include smoking and unstable blood pressure. Our team of experts, led by our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hamawy, will work with you to determine if PRP hair restoration in Princeton is the right choice for you.

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Start With a Consultation

If you’re curious about PRP hair restoration in Princeton, we recommend scheduling a consultation at our office. Our team has extensive experience and expertise in PRP hair restoration and will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

During your consultation for PRP hair restoration, our team will evaluate your hair loss and discuss your medical history and any medications you may be taking. We will also discuss your goals for hair restoration and answer any questions you may have about the procedure.

How It Works

PRP hair restoration is a non-surgical, quick, in-office treatment that uses material from the patient's body, ensuring no adverse reactions. In addition to promoting natural hair growth, PRP can improve the healing process. For patients who may not benefit from PRP hair restoration, PRP can also be added to a Neograft hair transplant treatment. Our team will work with you to determine the best treatment plan for your needs and goals. With our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge therapies, you can trust PrincetonMD to provide you with the highest level of care and support as you work towards achieving your hair restoration goals.

Recovery and Results

After PRP hair restoration treatment, no downtime is necessary. While some patients may experience initial swelling and redness, this typically dissipates rapidly. We recommended that patients take it easy for the first few days and avoid vigorous activity. PRP can help speed up the healing process, and no stitches are used in the restoration process, resulting in no scarring. Patients will return to one of our New Jersey locations every three months so that Dr. Hamawy can measure improvement. Individual results will vary as the treatment uses material from the patient's body. While visible results can typically be seen within six months, multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results. With proper stimulation from the treatment, patients can enjoy fuller hair and stronger follicles for the rest of their lives.

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Why Choose Us?

To take the first step in addressing hair loss with PrincetonMD's advanced treatments, we encourage you to schedule a consultation today. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in developing a personalized approach, ensuring you receive the best care and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Reach out to us now and start your journey towards achieving natural, long-lasting hair restoration results with PrincetonMD.

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